Baby & Me Storytime
In ProgressShare stories, songs, rhymes, and engage in play with your baby at this storytime designed for the youngest learner. For ages 6-23 months and their caregiver, no registration necessary.
Career Services
In ProgressOpen to everyone for drop-in job search assistance and career planning including:
• Resume development, applying to job postings, interview tips, networking, LinkedIn, and more.
• Upcoming Job Search related workshops and events.
Individual basic computer and technology help is now available by appointment at the White Bear Lake Library! Staff will help with your basic technology questions including email, working on resumes or documents, mobile devices, e-books,…
Sewing Circle
In ProgressDo you like to sew, or want to learn how? Drop in to use one of the library's three sewing machines on a first-come, first-served basis, or feel free to bring your own machine. Bring your own project to work on, or start something new.…
Baby & Toddler February Fun: Block Party
In ProgressGet creative and build together with a variety of hard and soft blocks. How high can you build?
Sort them, stack them, knock them down!
Best for ages 0 - 4 years. No registration necessary.
Do you need extra help on the computer, tablet or other piece of technology? Are you searching for a job or working on a resume? Let us help answer your questions! Registration not required.
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Too many passwords? Worried they're not secure? This class will teach you how to create strong and memorable passwords, how to store them for easy access, and how to keep passwords safe and secure. We'll learn about how to create a strong…
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Join us for the latest tips on what to do to prepare for a virtual interview. This in-person workshop will assist those who are unfamiliar with the process of a virtual interview. We will provide examples on how to…
Meet community based, no-cost skill training programs that are recruiting participants for upcoming classes. When training is complete, get introduced to employers looking for certified trainees and start a new and rewarding…
- Online event
For tweens and teens grades 6-12.Please join us on Zoom for a variety of fun board games and video games!Gaming Thursdays for Teens: Virtual Gaming
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Learn how to get a jump on the growing season and start cold tolerant seeds while the snow is still falling using Winter Sowing techniques.The Ramsey Extension Volunteer Gardeners recommend visiting their website to find reference…
Have questions about 3D printing, computer aided design (CAD), or how files are prepared for the 3D printer? Drop in and use one of the library’s laptops to work on your own designs using Learn about the slicing software we…
Do you love to knit (or crochet or quilt or sew)? Join us for this unique opportunity to gather with your crafty neighbors as we Knit for Good!
Our drop-in group encourages you to bring your creative talents to support good causes, such as…
- ,Online event
Meditation has been valued for centuries as beneficial to physical, mental, and spiritual health. Now, Western medicine, through research-based studies, is recognizing the efficacy of meditation for improving wellness. Meditation presents…
Share stories, songs, rhymes, and engage in play with your baby at this storytime designed for the youngest learner. For ages 6-23 months and their caregiver, no registration necessary.
Share stories, songs, rhymes, and engage in play with your baby at this storytime designed for the youngest learner. For ages 6-23 months and their caregiver, no registration necessary.
Main lobby doors will open at 9:40 a.m., storytime…
A special time set aside for babies and their caregivers to meet up for weekly play at the library. No registration necessary.
Drop in to use or ask questions about the library’s Maker equipment. Use the library's laptops to design a 3D model, digitize your physical media, or utilize the photo and video editing software. Create your own stickers, cards or other…
It’s Fri-Yay! Join us on Friday, February 14 at 10:30 a.m. for a live musical performance with Breaching Concerts (formerly Petite Concerts). Children will sing and move to well-known children’s songs and classical music,…
AARP is offering free tax services for the current tax season. Assistance is made by appointment only. Preference is given to seniors and those living on a fixed income.
Call 651-689-3449 to schedule an appointment.
Appointments take…