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Free Naloxone Training.
Learn about opioids and overdoes -- and how you can help.
Free naloxone kits and fentanyl testing strips provided.
This program is offered in partnership with the Continuum Care Center.
Do you need extra help on the computer, tablet or other piece of technology? Are you searching for a job or working on a resume? Let us help answer your questions! Registration not required.
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Join art educator Karen Chan for guided step-by-step instructions throughout the process of using acrylic paints to create beautiful works of art. Capture the color of late summer in this painting class on yellow sunflowers. All levels are…
Registration fullJoin waitlist Open to everyone for drop-in job search assistance and career planning including:
• Resume development, applying to job postings, interview tips, networking, LinkedIn, and more.
• Upcoming Job Search related workshops and events.
Drop in to use or ask questions about the library’s Maker equipment. Use the Library's laptops to design a 3D model, digitize your physical media, or utilize the photo and video editing software. Create your own stickers, cards or other…
Social workers, advocates and county navigators will be available to help individuals and families with questions. Obtain information relating to housing resources, shelter, accessing benefits, food assistance, mental health, youth services…
Individual basic computer and technology help is now available by appointment at the New Brighton Library! Staff will help with your basic technology questions including email, working on resumes or documents, mobile devices, e-books, and…
Registration requiredRegister for eventLooking for a new job? Every Tuesday, a different employer will visit the library to talk about job opportunities in their organization. Bring your resumé and your best first impression to get hired. All are welcome.
…- ,Online event
Design Your Small Business Website Series: Setting Up a Small Business & Website/Blog
Get started with your new blog or small business website. Learn how to register your new business with the State of Minnesota and pick out a…
Registration closes September 10 at 3:00pm (25 spots remaining)Register for event - ,
Learn how to engrave wood veneer with the library's laser engraver while designing a bookmark. Staff will engrave your project so you can pick it up at a later date.
Registration required. Space is limited to 6 participants.
Registration fullJoin waitlist Individual basic computer and technology help is now available by appointment at the Maplewood Library! Staff will help with your basic technology questions including email, working on resumes or documents, mobile devices, e-books, and…
Registration requiredRegister for eventDo you need extra help on the computer, tablet or other piece of technology? Are you searching for a job or working on a resume? Let us help answer your questions! Registration not required.
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Everyone wants a fast and smooth computing experience, whether using a smartphone or the latest Windows 11 or MacBook Pro. This session covers easy-to-perform steps you can take to ensure your devices stay in optimal shape. We’ll discuss…
Registration closes September 11 at 3:00pm (23 spots remaining)Register for event Individual basic computer and technology help is now available by appointment at the White Bear Lake Library! Staff will help with your basic technology questions including email, working on resumes or documents, mobile devices, e-books,…
Registration requiredRegister for eventOpen to everyone for drop-in job search assistance and career planning including:
• Resume development, applying to job postings, interview tips, networking, LinkedIn, and more.
• Upcoming Job Search related workshops and events.
Do you like to sew, or want to learn how? Drop in to use one of the library's three sewing machines on a first-come, first-served basis, or feel free to bring your own machine. Bring your own project to work on, or start something new.…
Do you need extra help on the computer, tablet or other piece of technology? Are you searching for a job or working on a resume? Let us help answer your questions! Registration not required.
Join us for the latest tips on what to do to prepare for a virtual interview. This in-person workshop will assist those who are unfamiliar with the process of a virtual interview. We will provide examples on how to…
Registration requiredRegister for eventMeet community based, no-cost skill training programs that are recruiting participants for upcoming classes. When training is complete, get introduced to employers looking for certified trainees and start a new and rewarding…
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Join us in viewing Stripped for Parts: American Journalism on the Brink, the 99-minute award-winning film, recently included in the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Film Festival. Brief discussion to follow. Free and open to the…